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Thanks for stopping by. This site uses publicly available data, updated every five minutes, to provide the status of commercial passenger flights into and out of CYYZ. Thanks to the way the airport operates, some Air Canada cargo flights are included in the data. Also included are some technical tests, positioning (i.e. non-revenue) flights, and charters. These are called Service Types and there are 24 of them.

CodeDescriptionAbbreviated To
ACargo/MailCargo/Mail Additional
BShuttle ModePassenger Shuttle Additional
CPassenger OnlyPassenger Charter
DGeneral Aviation, non-commercial (e.g. school training) and empty flightsGeneral Aviation
ESpecial (FAA/Government)Special FAA/Govt
FLoose Loaded cargo and/or preloaded devicesCargo/Mail Scheduled
GNormal ServicePassenger Additional
HCargo and/or MailCargo/Mail Charter
IState/Diplomatic (Chapter 6 only)State/Diplomatic
JNormal ServicePassenger Scheduled
KCrew training (other than GABA operators)Training
LPassenger and Cargo and/or MailPassenger/Cargo/Mail Charter
MMail onlyCargo/Mail Scheduled
NBusiness Aviation/Air TaxiBusiness
OCharter requiring special handling (e.g. Migrant/Immigrant Flights)Special Handling Charter
PNon-revenue (Positioning/Ferry/Delivery/Demo)Non-Revenue
QPassenger/Cargo in Cabin (mixed configuration aircraft)Passenger/Cargo Scheduled
RPassenger/Cargo in Cabin (mixed configuration aircraft)Passenger/Cargo Additional
SShuttle ModePassenger Shuttle Scheduled
TTechnical TestTechnical Test
UService operated by Surface Vehicle Chapter 6 only-Air Ambulance/HumanitarianPassenger Non-Specific Ground Vehicle
VService operated by Surface VehicleCargo/Mail Ground Vehicle
XTechnical Stop (for Chapter 6 applications only)Technical Stop

The data is only as good as the information entered. As this is done by humans, sometimes the data is inaccurate. For example, AC cargo flights are sometimes tagged as scheduled passenger flights.

Any flight that is tagged as anything other than a scheduled passenger flight will show a pale yellow background behind it, like this:

You can see the service type by clicking on the flight number (if you're looking at the Departure and Arrival board) or the more info button () if you've done a search.